Empowering Patients and Physicians with Advanced Lung Cancer Diagnostics
Respiragen™ is the result of an unwavering commitment to improve the patient journey through advanced diagnostics. We understand the challenges faced by individuals and families affected by lung cancer and are dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions to improve the early detection of this complex condition.
Revolutionary Technology
Our groundbreaking technology uses ultra-sensitive biosensors to detect subtle changes in protease levels in blood serum that may indicate the presence of lung cancer. Respiragen™ used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools can enable healthcare professionals to evaluate asymptomatic individuals for lung cancer less invasively.
Patient Empowerment
We understand the anxiety and uncertainty that lung cancer can bring, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals and scientists are passionate about making a difference in the lives of patients and their families. We are committed to providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to take control of your health and secure a future of hope and possibility.
Your Healthcare Provider
Ask your healthcare provider if the Respiragen diagnostic test is the right choice for you. Together you can take proactive steps to manage your health and better understand your risk of developing lung cancer in your lifetime.
Step 1
Your healthcare provider orders the Respiragen test and schedules a blood draw
Step 2
Your blood sample is sent to the Respiragen lab for analysis
Step 3
Your doctor receives the Respiragen test report and discusses the results with you
In the United States annual lung cancer screening exams by chest-CT are recommended for 19.3 million individuals considered to be at-risk for the disease. Unfortunately, due to systemic healthcare problems, logistical challenges, and patient concerns over the associated radiation risks, national screening compliance remains chronically low – under 5% – and in some states like Florida and California it is below 3%.
As an advanced diagnostic triage tool Respiragen™ addresses the critical need to identify lung cancer earlier – even in pre-symptomatic individuals and at population-scale – so it can be treated curatively with better outcomes. The survival rate for lung cancer detected early is over 60%. If detected late, survival is less than 5%.
Respiragen™ uses a standard blood draw to identify the signature misregulation of protease levels in sera that are known from clinical trials to be displayed in patients with lung cancer.
Key Features of the Respiragen™ Test
Excellent performance for early stage lung cancer detection: Respiragen™ identifies early signs of lung cancer by detecting specialized enzymes in blood that can provide screening decision-making insights.
With a negative predictive value of 99.8% Respiragen™ can quickly “rule in” patients most at risk for lung cancer and “triage-out” the majority of asymptomatic individuals who will return for testing the following year as part of their health maintenance program.
Less invasive and 100% patient-safe patient sampling: By measuring specialized enzymes in blood patients are not exposed to radiation or other risk factors, and Respiragen™ delivers more timely decision making while reducing anxiety for an improved patient experience.
Streamlined testing process: Respiragen™ offers a streamlined diagnostic process, from test ordering to receipt of results within 24-48 hours. Our workflow is designed to complement the efficiency of the provider’s practice and provide the best patient experience possible.
Optimized for Lung Cancer early detection
Respiragen™ measures the activity of enzymes that are involved in the development of lung cancer from its earliest stages of disease. Respiragen™ uses a proprietary nano-scale graphene biosensor technology to measure the activity of multiple enzymes in blood serum. These patterns, or signatures, can help doctors more precisely identify patients who should be referred into the standard of care for a lung cancer screening chest scan and other confirmatory procedures.
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About Respiragen
Respiragen can help your healthcare provider determine whether you would benefit from undergoing additional screening procedures such and chest-CT, Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT), PET scan and biopsy. Respiragen measures the levels of proteolytic enzymes in blood that are correlated to the pathology of lung cancer.
Yes. As of 2023 the American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that all individuals aged between 50 and 80 with a 20 pack-year history of tobacco use should be screened annually. The ACS guideline includes individuals who have long since quit smoking. So even if you quit smoking a long time ago, it is advisable to keep an eye on your lung health by annual testing.
Respiragen test measures the activity of enzymes that are involved in the development and growth of lung cancer from the earliest stages of disease. The activity of multiple different enzymes are used to detect a pattern of activity that can help distinguish patients who should get a chest scan from patients whose enzyme pattern looks like a normal patient.
Yes. As of 2023 the American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that all individuals aged between 50 and 80 with a 20 pack-year history of tobacco use should be screened annually. The ACS guideline includes individuals who have long since quit smoking. So even if you quit smoking a long time ago, it is advisable to keep an eye on your lung health by annual testing.
The US lung cancer screening guidelines define individuals at risk to be current or former smokers, 50-80 yrs of age with a 20 pack-year history of of tobacco use. Individuals putting off lung cancer screening due to concerns about radiation exposure, the need to repeat scans over time, or other risk factors should discuss Respiragen with their healthcare provider.
Getting the Respiragen Test
Respiragen is a new test and not yet covered by insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. Until it is covered, patients are responsible for paying for Respiragen out-of-pocket. We are working hard to establish reimbursement for the Respiragen test.
Patients are able to pay for their tests directly through Respiragen.com with all major credit cards (AMEX, Visa, Mastercard, & Discover) or via a bill sent to the patient if the test is ordered by their provider.
The Respiragen report returns a “normal” or “abnormal” result. A normal result indicates the proteolytic enzyme activity profile associated with lung cancer was not detected in the blood sample.
An abnormal result indicates the Respiragen proteolytic enzyme activity profile is similar to that seen in individuals diagnosed with lung cancer. Your healthcare provider will interpret any abnormal results and discuss next steps.
If you are a patient, Respiragen can be ordered through your healthcare provider. If you do not have a healthcare provider please get in touch with us through the contact form on this website and we will make arrangements.
If you are a healthcare provider and not yet enrolled with Respiragen you may do so by contacting us though this website and we will reach out to onboard your practice.
A healthcare professional will collect a single tube of blood from a vein in your arm at your doctor’s office, your home, your place of business or elsewhere that is convenient for you. From there your sample will be transported to the Respiragen testing lab for analysis.
Respiragen results will be sent as a PDF to the referring physician and the patient via the chosen method (email, fax, or portal) within 2-4 days of receipt of the blood sample at the lab.
Other Questions
The successful treatment of lung cancer depends on the patient’s stage at diagnosis. For lung cancer cases that are identified early, when still confined within the lung, the treatment options include surgery or radiation therapy and certain drugs. Once the disease has left the lungs and spread to other parts of the body, such as other organs or the bones, curative treatment is significantly more challenging.
Lung cancer is asymptomatic for years before patients experience the symptoms that drive them to seek medical attention (chronic pain, fatigue, blood in saliva etc.) Since the early symptoms of lung cancer are non-specific and can easily be missed by healthcare providers and patients themselves, Respiragen was created to detect the cancer in early stage, asymptomatic individuals.
Lung cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the lungs. Cancer is caused by cells growing invasively out of control. As the disease advances it may spread to the lymph nodes, the bones and other organs during a process called metastasis. It is the most lethal of solid tissue cancers responsible for over 127,000 deaths per year, more than the top three cancers combined. Many of these deaths could be avoided with regular yearly screening for early detection and prompt treatment.
Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer. Risk factors that are known to increase the chances of developing lung cancer include smoking, environmental pollution, Radon emissions (a natural phenomenon) and a family history of lung cancer.
The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and treatment options.